The Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation of Southeast Minnesota was formed to honor the fallen officers of the following Municipal, State, Federal and Military agencies operating within Minnesota Sheriff’s Association’s Sixth District which are the following counties: Rice, Steele, Freeborn, Mower, Dodge, Olmsted, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Fillmore, Waseca, Le Sueur, and Houston.
The first major project that the group is working on is a Memorial that will be located in Rochester. This is a huge team effort with many people from law enforcement organizations and the community helping out. A Board of Directors is in place to oversee decisions and overall direction. It is comprised of fallen officer family members, active and retired law enforcement officers and employees, and community members. There are also several committees that focus on activities such as design, fundraising, and communication.
Board of Directors: President: Kevin Torgerson (Olmsted Cty. Sheriff), Vice-President: Scott Rose (Dodge Cty. Sheriff), Treasurer: Jonathon Jacobson (Olmsted Cty. Sergeant), Secretary: Heath Dienger (State Patrol), Burt Berge (Retired Olmsted Cty.), Lou Bode (Retired Rochester PD), Andy Chafoulias (Community Member), Sheila Thoma (Community Member), Randy Haley (Survivor Family), Ryan Manguson (Rochester PD Sergeant, Honor Guard), Tom Kaase (Retired Fillmore Cty. Sheriff), Rickey Krueger (Retired Rochester PD), Sara Meyer-Westphal (Survivor Family), Bert Otto (Rochester PD Sergeant & Honor Guard), Ron Pickett (Community Member), Bill Reiland (Retired Olmsted Cty.), Steve Sandvik (Mower Cty. Sheriff), Jon Strum (Olmsted Cty. Deputy, Honor Guard), Dean Thompson (Olmsted Cty. Deputy, Honor Guard), Design Chair: Steve Franks (Retired Rochester PD)
The symbol was thoughtfully created by a local officer’s brother to portray the comradery of law enforcement officers. It is representative of the Southeast Minnesota Law Enforcement officers in the following counties: Rice, Steele, Freeborn, Mower, Dodge, Olmsted, Goodhue, Wabasha, Winona, Fillmore, Waseca, LeSueur and Houston.