The year of 2024 saw significant changes to the Memorial site with much left to accomplish. In 2024, work was done to level off the main floor of the memorial as pervious pavers were installed in the shape of the Memorial Foundation logo, which is shaped like a forget-me-not flower made up of five badges or patches symbolizing the five levels of American law enforcement, municipal, county, state, federal, and military police. Flagpole installation for the US, Minnesota, and Thin Blue Line flags. The flags will be raised for the first time on our dedication day hopefully set for 2025. Pathways to lead visitors throughout the peaceful garden area of the memorial space. And finally, Service Day Phase Two as several landscaping companies donated their Saturday to plant over 200 plants on the main floor of the memorial.
Work yet to be done, lights along the pathways, capstone granite piece on the front wall, and benches along the pathways. We are accepting donations to cover the costs of the items above and costs to maintain and sustain the memorial year after year.
Proceeds benefit Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation of SE MN.
Honor our fallen officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice by donating to help build the Law Enforcement Memorial of Southeast Minnesota.